WPPI 2022

Phew! What a fun and interesting 3 days it was!! I was back late last night from WPPI and I still have goosebumps from the experience. Every time I am invited to speak at a conference, a class or lead a walk; I always hold that invitation as a high regard. I feel truly blessed to be doing what I do today in our world and sharing my knowledge is one way of me giving back to someone else who is extremely passionate to learn and grow in their skillset, hobby or business. It reminds me that what we do is important.

Last year in August 2021, was my first time attending and speaking at WPPI conference! Whaat? I stood up on the stage and led a talk as well as spoke at the Rangefinder lounge and it was the mostly amazing incredible experience ever. This year I led a Photo Walk which was all about befriending harsh light which was a sold out walk and I enjoyed every minute of teaching as well as connecting with the attendees. My walk sponsored by Millers lab as well as Sew Trendy accessories who gifted our model’s gown for the walk. Those who know my work well, may know that I am a light nerd and harsh light is actually one of my favorites to work with while exploring creativity. There’s nothing to be afraid of with harsh light when you learn to use it appropriately and embrace the shadows as well as use it as an opportunity to be distinctive in your brand.

Here are a few images from my Photo Walk. Would you like me to create a FREE guide with tips on how to ace creating in harsh light? If so, DM me at @mbmphotographs, leave a comment here and email me!

#wppi2022 #wppi #photographyeducator #creatinginharshlight

Subtle Light Play