does blogging still matter?

Sooo, it’s been quite some time since I put some words down here on my website or shared more galleries. Blogging may be soo tiring and sort of outdated maybe but the SEO gods do preach that it’s a must to be visible as a business. So there we go. Started my blogging page back up again. Archived my old posts and starting up fresh.

That being said, sharing a few recent self-portraits for a conceptual shoot. Please do leave a comment when you can. It makes me feel good and seen ;)

I am going to title these; Some oranges and me.

lupines are blooming

Spring is here and so are the lupines. This year was a super bloom of these beautiful lupines and happy we got to visit for a bit.

celebrating six months in the lush gardens

One of the sweetest and most beautiful families I met last year here in Sacramento!